PRI Services

Pesticide Research Institute provides information resources, research, environmental monitoring, and expert consulting on the chemistry and toxicology of pesticides.

Exposure and Risk Assessment

PRI develops site-specific risk assessments for particular pesticide uses, including herbicide risk assessments for vegetation management and invasive species management plans, as well as residential and occupational exposures through air water, food, house dust and surface residues.

PRI uses state-of-the-art risk assessment methodology to assess exposure and risk from chemical exposure, with a particular focus on pesticides used in vegetation management projects, pesticides used in and around homes and other structures, and airborne pesticides. We have experience working with the following risk assessment methodologies:

  1. US Forest Service Herbicide Risk Assessment methods
  2. USDA GLEAMS water contamination modeling for pesticide runoff
  3. US EPA SHEDS-Wood model for residential exposure to treated wood
  4. US EPA Residential SOPs for pesticide exposure assessment
  5. US EPA Occupational Dermal Risk Assessment
  6. California OEHHA Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Risk Assessment Guidelines for cancer and non-cancer effects

Examples from past work:

Data Analysis

Analysis of data and preparation for publications or presentations. PRI works with available data sets on chemical toxicity, pest resistance, the California Pesticide Use Reporting (PUR) data, National Agricultural Statistics Service data, water and air monitoring data and more. PRI brings together complex data sets to integrate information and develop new ways of evaluating pest management practices and pesticide impacts on human health and the environment. A few sample projects include:

    • PRI is part of the Pesticide Risk Mitigation Engine (PRiME) team that is developing a pesticide risk assessment tool for farmers. PRI developed the bystander inhalation and worker dermal risk indices, utilizing PRI’s Toxicology and Physical Properties databases, as well as the California Pesticide Product and Pesticide Use Reporting databases. Download the Pesticide Risk Mitigation Engine Inhalation Risk Index White Paper, 09/29/2010, S.E. Kegley, E.E. Conlisk, 2010.
    • PRI researched the potential effects of 47 pesticides on 11 Bay Area endangered species for the case Center for Biological Diversity v. U.S. EPA (U.S. District Court, Northern District of California, San Francisco Division, Case No.: 07-2794-JCS). We developed an integrated species-pesticide-county database to facilitate evaluation and integration of information about potential pesticide effects, including habitat, acute and chronic pesticide toxicity, and potential exposure routes for each species.

View sample species or county page

    • PRI’s principal and CEO, Dr. Susan Kegley, was co-director with Stephan Orme, in developing Pesticide Action Network’s PesticideInfo web site that brings together a number of data sets on chemical toxicity, classification, use, regulatory status and more. See Pesticide Action Network Online Pesticide Database, S. E. Kegley, S. Orme, A. Choi, B. Hill, Pesticide Action Network, copyright 2000-2012.

We can take data from your project and evaluate its significance in the context of a number of existing data sets.

PRI’s Pesticide Product Evaluator

Pesticide Research Institute is developing a web-based tool that will provide a quick and easy way to look up the San Francisco Hazard Tier ranking for pesticide products. Find out more.

PRI’s Online Toxicology Database (coming soon)

Pesticide Research Institute is developing a web-based tool for toxicologists, regulators, researchers, and consultants that will provide toxicology information for pesticide active ingredients. Find out more.

Expert Consulting and Expert Witness Services

PRI provides expert consulting and expert witness services related to the scientific and technical details of pesticide chemistry, movement of pesticides through the environment (fate and transport), and pesticide registration and use in the United States.

Dr. Kegley and PRI provide problem formulation, environmental monitoring, and data analysis for both civil and administrative law cases related to airborne pesticide drift, pesticide impacts on endangered species, and pesticide runoff into waterways and groundwater. Our primary expertise is in assessing exposure for different receptors as pesticides move through the environment, using modeling, sampling of environmental media, and analysis of monitoring data. Dr. Kegley also has experience conducting laboratory analysis for organic and inorganic compounds in environmental samples and can provide interpretation of laboratory results and assess the adequacy of Quality Assurance/Quality Control measures used by analytical laboratories.

Dr. Kegley has served as an expert witness in cases involving pesticide crop damage, pesticide poisoning, and nuisance/negligence/trespass related to airborne pesticide drift onto private property, as well as intentional applications to land and water.

See our list of Past and Current Clients.

Mapping Services

Creation of maps containing information related to pesticide use, cropping patterns, prior water sampling results, as well as custom-generated layers. PRI utilizes the geocoded California Pesticide Use Reporting data and available data layers to develop maps showing pesticide use in California. We are currently exploring the USDA crop data set covering the entire U.S. A new project involves mapping use of bee-toxic pesticides.

Click here to see our new map on Neonicotinoid use in California.

Technical Writing Services

Writing and data analysis for peer-reviewed publications and technical reports. Development of scientific and technical information for use by non-technical audiences.

PRI can help you with your technical writing needs for both professional and non-technical audiences.

Professional audiences

PRI will put our experience in literature review, environmental sampling, analytical chemistry, and data analysis and interpretation to work for you. We will work with you to write up results for peer-reviewed publications and technical reports, as well as develop presentations on the work.


Non-technical audiences

PRI also has substantial expertise in the development of scientific and technical information and curricula for use by non-technical audiences or students. We make the science easy to understand and accessible to the target audience.

